Behaviour Tracking

A highly effective and completely configurable tool for monitoring, analysing and managing behaviour in real time.

Manage Behaviour in Realtime

  • Configure the system to match your school. Get live access to who is doing what, when and where. Move from cohort to individual pupil and back again with ease.

  • A complete, configurable tool for monitoring, analysing and managing behaviour in real time

    Classroom Entry

    • Classroom Entry is a feature that show every class member on a screen or interactive whiteboard through the DCPro website.


    • An attractive, effective and instant behaviour management tool. It allows teachers to quickly record positive and negative behaviour. Senior leaders can see these changes live and easily see the history for any timeframe for a class, group or a particular pupil.

      In a few clicks you can get a complete overview of behaviour in your school. Configure the system to match your school. Get live access to who is doing what, when and where. Move from cohort to individual pupil and back again with ease.

      A highly effective and completely configurable tool for monitoring, analysing and managing behaviour in real time. The system is completely configurable, simple, intuitive and very fast.

      Classroom Entry is a feature that show every class member on a screen or interactive whiteboard through the DCPro website. It’s an attractive, effective and instant behaviour management tool. It allows teachers to quickly record positive and negative behaviour. Senior leaders can see these changes live and easily see the history for any timeframe for a class, group or a particular child. To move a child up or down you simply click the arrows next to their name and picture. You can set your own categories from simple traffic lights to a more comprehensive multi-stepped process. Assign each category a colour and a label, allowing you to see at a glance which pupils are showing positive and negative behaviour. It is your school – you decide what behaviour management structure you wish to use. Reports are intuitive and easy to use, viewable by senior leaders and teachers instantly.

      Record Incidents

      Record the detail of a behaviour incident. You can configure the incident recording to match your school’s needs. You control all of the elements that go into an incident. Access this information in an easy to use dashboard that allows you to look for patterns. Record any recipients (victims) of any incident allowing you to monitor any possible bullying. This information is all linked to pupils’ attendance, attainment and other behaviour data to allow a 360 degree view. It is simple, immediate and effective

      Pupils on report

      You can place pupils on behaviour report. Again you control the report template(s) your school uses. You can set up multiple report templates. They all include a way of recording if a student is meeting their behavioural targets – the school can set this up to be whatever it likes. How many targets are on the report, how often they are assessed, the severity of the report and who oversees the report. Whether that be the form tutor, head of year, head of department, member of SLT or the head themselves. No more carrying around, and losing, report cards. Everyone who needs to know will know that a particular student is on behaviour report.